Wednesday, August 30, 2006
InputOutput can never exceed input.
If we want a big, high quality output, we must arrange for a big, high quality input.
Output quality always reflects input quality.
Dirty input, dirty output.
Clean input, clean output.
Big input, big output.
Wise input, wise output.
We are what we eat!
Whatever we are drinking, will pour out of us.
Junk in, junk out.
Read the best, watch the best, hang out with the best.
Do Less!
A full life is not necessarily about doing and having a lot of things.
It's about fully appreciating all we have right now.
It's about doing a few things really well.
It's not about wide, it's about deep.
Our sense of dissatisfaction comes from 'skimming' life.
We have so many options and opportunities we feel we are missing out if we don't do it all.
However, we need to rid ourselves of that notion and content ourselves with less.
The relentless pursuit to possess 'more', leaves us unhappy with what we have now.
Do less brilliantly!
There are always things to do before we do the thing we want to do.
Without doing the before thing, we'll be less than prepared to do whatever we are doing properly.
Before the day starts we need to pray.
Before we spend our money we need to bring the tithe to God.
Before we build a house we need to lay a foundation.
Before we give the performance we need to rehearse.
Before we see the client we need to do the research.
'Retrospective normalizing' is not the best way to live.
Do the first things, first!